Hey All,
Scarlet rose has morphed and evolved along the years. What she started out with in the beginning, is not who she is today.
After much consideration, I have decided within the next week, I will be transitioning this profile to a private one. It will no longer be a business page that is public.
So you free lookers, yes you, you will have to follow me in order to see what I post.
I have kept my identity here a secret intentionally.
Scarlet Rose has taught a lot about who I am. I have met some of my closest people here. The sad reality is if you met me for who I was elsewhere, there are many of you that would not give me the time of day.
Funny, how life is like that sometimes.
Scarlet rose taught me that love and passion should abound most of all. When you come together with what you are passionate about, and do it with true love, thats where community forms.
The person behind scarlet rose, recently experienced a devastating loss of her mother. Since March, she has been quiet because if she was not in the hospital at her mother’s bedside, she was grieving the loss of her mother.
I do not know when Scarlet rose will be back, but I know she will be.
In the meantime, you can send a facebook friend request, or continue to follow here.
I treasure our relationship very dearly.
~Scarlet Rose
You can reach me by email at scarletrose6907@gmail.com
You can click the images above to see where to find me.